
OF:BF - Free Preview Version

OF:BF - Free Preview Version


This is the preview version of "Omnipotent Female Best Friend". It contains one path from the beginning to the end of the original story. If you like what you see the full version is 370 pages long and contains 15 different endings, enabling you to score in various ways with either of the 7 girls you meet in this preview version. The full version is available in my Gumroad shop as well: https://hexxet.gumroad.com/l/OmnipotentFemaleBestFriend

Plot: You are a high-school nerd and all the hot girls either look down on you or try to take advantage of you. Your best friend Amy is a nerd too... but today you can't believe what she's about to tell you. After an accident, she came to and suddenly had omnipotent powers that make all her wishes come true? Now who would believe that? Well, you would after Amy displays her power to you! ... Having verified her powers truly exist... what will you do next? Will you help Amy get the guy she crushes on? Will you talk her into using her power for your benefit? Or will you try for a romantic route? It's up to you! 

Note that while the preview version is rather straightforward and can be read by going through the pictures, the full version can only be enjoyed by reading the PDF as decisions are implemented via buttons that only work in the PDF (not the pictures).

This product is not currently for sale.

Preview version: Explore one path of the interactive Story OF:BF and use your best friend Amy's powers to change school for the better ;)

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